Scopri giochi e app per Android

A New Social Media image
App of the Week
A New Social MediaDo you also have the feeling that social media has just become way too fake? The people that I know in real life seem to be completely different people on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok profiles. I’m sure they don’t exercise that much and, clearly, they don’t have avocado toast for breakfast on a daily basis. Our App of the Week is here to change that since it’s designed for everyone to be much more honest than we are used to in the old-school social platforms. Ready to BeReal?
Editorial Card Views Icon39.5K Visualizzazioni11/02/2022
Bigo Live image
App della settimana
Bigo LiveSe Vine ti mancava e hai scoperto TikTok da poco, preparati: le app con cui interagire e su cui seguire video di persone di talento da tutto il mondo non finiscono qui! Ti presentiamo Bigo Live, una favolosa piattaforma social con servizi di streaming e chiamate video che si è appena aggiudicata la nostra nomina di App della settimana!
Editorial Card Views Icon330.5K Visualizzazioni02/06/2020
AliExpress image
App della settimana
AliExpressAl giorno d'oggi acquistare prodotti online è così diffuso che lo fanno davvero tutti. Dai giovani agli anziani, chi non ha ordinato gadget tecnologici o utensili da cucina su internet? Le possibilità sono infinite, ma non ci sono poi così tante app con grandi varietà di prodotti in catalogo come AliExpress, la nostra app della settimana!
Editorial Card Views Icon97.5K Visualizzazioni28/05/2020
TikTok image
App of the Week
TikTokIt was only a matter of time before TikTok was chosen to be featured as App of the Week. Why? Well... I don't know if you have heard about it, but it's absolutely killing it! Only last December, the app added 75 million new users. The number of installs has multiplied by 25 during the last two years in some parts of the world, and it has been declared the 7th most downloaded mobile app of the decade. Big wow!
Editorial Card Views Icon199.5K Visualizzazioni13/03/2020
Dark Mode Whatsapp image
App of the Week
Dark Mode WhatsappWe’ve been waiting for a long time, but the time has arrived: Dark Mode for Whatsapp is here! After Facebook Messenger and Instagram, the owners of the largest social network have decided to give our eyes a rest.
Editorial Card Views Icon286.5K Visualizzazioni24/01/2020
Camera 360 image
App of the Week
Camera 360Over 500 million people globally have appreciated its prowess. There has never been an ultimate off-road camera application, until the invention of Camera360 Ultimate. It comes highly recommended as one of the pioneers in application photography by more than 13 countries. Korea and Japan have especially taken to Camera360 Ultimate well and it’s a favorite of stars in the two countries.
Editorial Card Views Icon108.5K Visualizzazioni18/04/2019